Membership Renewal Notice

Have you renewed your BCCPAC Membership for the 2013/2014 year?


Have you renewed your BCCPAC Membership
for the 2013/2014 school year?

If your PAC or DPAC has not renewed your BCCPAC membership for this year, please do so by:

1) Using our NEW online membership registration and payment form (pay by cheque or credit card) click here.


2) Printing and mailing a membership registration form to our office. click here.

We appreciate your membership and efforts to help keep the parent voice strong in BC public education!
Why Your Membership Matters!

Membership gives you the opportunity to:

participate in education workshops, discussions and opinion polls,

network with other PACs and DPACs,

discuss and share ideas using our member forum,

access to current and relevant resources, and

develop the resolutions BCCPAC can use to lobby for change

BCCPAC needs parents opinions, feedback, and ideas to help to ensure we are representing our parents message when meeting with our partnership groups.

Memberships received and/or postmarked by December 15, of the closing year, will give your PAC or DPAC voting privileges at our Annual General Meeting (AGM)


Popular BCCPAC Resources

Our Voice Magazine

Our Voice is BCCPAC’s magazine. It includes articles on what PACs are doing around BC, current BCCPACnews, education issues affecting BC public school students, and membership feedback. As a member of a BCCPAC, you will receive a hard copy.


BCCPAC maintains current and relevant guidess, to give membership hands on support. Popular guides are:

Individual Education Plans: A Guide for Parents, and

Speaking Up! A parent guide to advocating for students in public schools.

Our resources help parents to learn how to navigate the public school system, and to solve problems their children may have in BC public schools.

Conferences (Spring and Fall)

At our BCCPAC hosted conferences, you can expect top-notch keynote speakers, informative lectures, and useful workshops. All BCCPAC members pay a reduced participation fee. Check the Calendar for upcoming events.

*Fall Leadership Conference is November 15-17, 2013* (more details here)

Reasons to Join BCCPAC

Recognition by government and education partners, who involve BCCPAC as the provincial voice of parents.

Represention by member PACs and DPACs in BC, BCCPAC advocates for systemic changes to the education system.

Create change in the education system by bringing resolutions to the Annual General Meeting, for discussion and support. If accepted by the membership, BCCPAC will lobby the governement for change, on behalf of our provincial parents.

Implementation of new legislation when BCCPAC is successful in its on going lobbying.

Participation in nominating and voting on BCCPAC Board positions at the Annual General Meeting. Positions are filled from by membership.

Involvement with other member PACs and DPACs to network, share their questions, and successes via conference, website and forums.

Kept advised by receiving regular communications about current educational issues.

Receive leadership education from skilled experts at  the annual conferences.

Potential travel subsidy is available for membership school district to attend the Fall and Spring Conferences and the Annual General Meeting.

Ability to serve on various provincial committees, and to participate in focus groups and opinion polls.

Your Membership Matters –


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