FAQ on recent Playground announcement from Gov't


Some interesting sections:

Where schools have been identified as acquiring playground equipment in 2011 (January 1st to September 1st) through contributions made by PACs, reimbursement of up to a maximum of $50,000 will be available. Based on the priority set by school districts, schools may qualify for the replacement or upgrading of existing playground equipment. For a full playground replacement, districts will receive $50,000 per qualifying school. In the case of playground upgrades, districts will receive $25,000 per qualifying school. The funding amount for new or replacement playground equipment is based on an independent expert’s assessment of the costs to purchase and install a small to medium-sized adventure-style playground set. The funding amount for the upgrade or repair of existing playground is calculated at one-half of the new or replacement amount.

Not all elementary and middle schools will be eligible for playground equipment funding. The funding made available to address playground equipment needs is tiered, with the first category being schools that have students with no access to a playground; the next category is a reimbursement for district-identified playground equipment installations funded by PACs since January 1st, 2011; and the third category is schools identified and prioritized by districts as having minimal playground equipment or equipment that needs upgrading or replacement.

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