Extracurricular activities still hazy

The future of school sports, graduation ceremonies and other end-of-year celebrations was still hazy Monday, as principals and parents scrambled in some schools to replace teachers who are withdrawing from extracurricular activities as part of a provincewide protest.

…Some teachers are taking a tougher position. In Nechako Lakes, for example, a memo from the local union office suggests teachers should refrain from a broad range of activities beyond those normally mentioned, such as coaching sports, organizing theatrical production and overseeing school clubs.

The memo suggests activities to be avoided include: After-hours academic help, parent advisory council meetings, meet-the-teacher activities, First Aid outside of class, philanthropic events, writing reference letters, parent contact beyond report cards, fundraising, spending personal money on school supplies or providing food and clothing for students.

“This list is not complete and this is a draft,” the document states. “Please do not assume that this is an official contractual document.”

…Ann Whiteaker, president of the B.C. Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils, said she’s hearing from parents who are angry their children have been caught in a dispute between the union and government. They want to help with extracurricular activities, knowing how valuable they are for students, but don’t want to damage their relationships with teachers, she said.

Parents are also looking ahead to the next school year and wondering if they should plan September events, given that the situation may not change much between now and then, she said.

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