Enrollment and Capacity by Area, School District 57

This interactive map uses Tableau Public software for graphic visualizations of the data. The map may take a few seconds to load on your computer. The map can be filtered by area and by grade type. If you hover your mouse over a particular circle, it will give more information on that particular school.

The color shows how full the school is, with red being more full and blue being less full. Schools turn red when 80% full or higher. The size of the circle shows the total of the enrollment.

The data can be filtered by area (Bowl, Hart, College Heights, South East, Robson Valley, Mackenzie), by grade type (elementary and secondary), by the percentage of the capacity used in 2010, and by the 2010 enrollment.

Enrollment data from Minstry of Education website, data as of September 30, 2010.
Working capacity from DSC report, plus allowance of 30 students per portable.
Working capacity for Heather Park Elementary taken from current school plan and maximum students possible with current layout.
Projected enrollment for 2011 for K-7 schools is projected by taking K-6 classes and assuming they all stay in the school. The kindergarten registration is the average of the current K, 1, and 2 class sizes.
Projected enrollment for secondary schools is projected by taking 8-11 classes, and assuming grade 7 to be the average of the current 7, 8, and 9 classes.
Projected enrollment for Spruceland assumes that all of Central Fort George transfers to Spruceland in 2011.

Elementary schools most at risk for having enrollment issues in 2011 – capacity projected to be 90% or above:

In addition, choice programs and choice schools may also have enrollment capacity problems.


  • Gthielmann / Reply

    This is great work! Very interesting to see the data dsiplayed this way. I’m wondering about working capacities, though… where’s the source for this? I work at D.P. Todd and I know we can not accommodate 819 students even with the 3 portables!!

    • Anonymous / Reply

      Thanks, for the comment!

      The working capacity was taken from the DSC report last year, and then
      allowance was made for portables by adding 30 students to the capacity
      per portable – so 719 + 30*3 = 819.

      It’s possible that for some schools they were counting portables into
      the working capacity – but they definitely weren’t for others.
      Working capacity is such a weird number, though! I’m not sure how they
      derived it for the DSC report. Also note that it’s the largest number
      – DP Todd’s nominal capacity is 625.

      How many classrooms do you have at DP Todd?


      • Gthielmann / Reply

        Yes, we were designed for 625 (nominal capacity), we program for about 750, and we have about 765 this year… very crowded in the halls! We have 3 portables, 12 regular classrooms, 4 science labs, 2 foods rooms, 2 shops, 2 computer labs (which need to be free for booking some of the time, so, functionally it is one teaching space), a band room, drama room, art room, and textiles lab, a dividable gym and a mezzanine. That’s 32 “classes” plus some smaller spaces for LA, Alt Ed, etc. Although it would be impossible to build a timetable to use all these spaces simultaneously and fill them up to class-size max, we can fill about 90% or them with 15-30 students (but probably a mean of 24) that’s 29 x 24 = 725 plus some students in special programs. If we had 819 students we’d be crowd-surfing to get around. I saw three different documents last year with school capacities so I suppose it all depends. Ours was a school that magically grew in capacity with successive documents. I suppose that is what’s meant by “moving forward.”

        • Gthielmann / Reply

          whoops I guess I was thinking 29×25 to get 725… good thing I don’t teach math.

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