EPPC Report
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
By Gillian Burnett
1. Minutes of the previous minutes were approved as circulated.
2. Respectful Relationships Program – McBride and Valemount Secondary Schools
- Received a presentation that outlined what the program was designed to do
- Discussed the merits of the program – seeing positive results
- Discussed the funding challenges of continuing with the program
- Originally funded as a pilot in all of SD57, but due to non-profit delivery it did not continue in Prince George
- Presenters asked that the district look into providing some funding for the continuation of the program in future years
- The program includes 12 sessions for each grade and can be delivered to Gr 7, 8, 9 and 10
- Program is not instructing what to think but rather making students think on their own and facilitating that discussion (more information can be found at www.swova.ca)
3. Secondary Alternate Report Card (SARC) Pilot
- Received a presentation on a proposed pilot that would introduce a new report card for Alternate Education students
- Discussed the importance of having one method of reporting from all teachers for consistency
- Contains more information than is required by the BC Ministry of Education
- Will go to the board for approval at the next Board meeting
4. Learning Team Grant Update
- 43 grants approved so far
- 28 schools participating
- There will be a 2nd call for grant applications very soon
- Asked for a summary of the inquiry based questions that are currently being asked in the district this year
5. Research Project – McCreary Centre Society Adolescent Health Survey
- For information only
- Have been collecting data since 1992, our district participates every 5 years, this year is our year to participate
- Does take approximately 45 minutes of class time for students to complete the survey
- The survey is administered by a health worker
- Provides a great deal of information that assists district staff in responding to the needs of the students
6. Yearly Plan
- Currently blank
- Discussed whether items usually left till the end of the year could be dealt with sooner to lighten the agendas in the latter part of the year. It was noted that the end of the year has jam packed agendas that are difficult to have full discussion on all items.
- Cindy Heitman will review the yearly plan and present an alternative to the committee at the next meeting
7. All Day Kindergarten
- Discussed the pros and cons of the “short” one week transition period on both students and families
- Discussed the issue of K-1 split classes
- Decided that this topic would be brought back for discussion at the next meeting and representatives asked to gather opinions on these two topics for discussion at October’s meeting
Next meeting October 23, 2012
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