DRAFT Minutes – September 6, 2014

DPAC MINUTES FOR September 6, 2014
7:00 p.m. Sandman Signature

DPAC Executive: Sarah Holland (Chair), Darlene Campbell (Vice-chair), Chris Finke (Treasurer), Dennis Fudge (District Associate), Steve Shannon (Director at Large).
Partner Groups: Brian Pepper (Superintendent), Betty Bekkering (School Board Trustee), CUPE (Karen Wong), PGDTA (Tina Cousins & Richard Giroday), PEA (Debbie Coxon), Principals & Vice Principals (Dan Watt)
School Reps: Heather Park Elementary (Sarah Holland), Nusdeh Yoh (Darlene Campbell), Duchess Park Secondary (Darlene Campbell, Karen Clark), Ecole Lac des Bois (Shauna Connor), Nukko Lake Elementary (Lotte Anderson, Gillian Burnett), Spruceland Traditional School (Dennis Fudge), Ecole College Heights Elementary (Jacqui Dockray), Quinson Elementary (Ryan Clarke)DP Todd Sr. Secondary (Chris Finke), Kelly Rd Sr. Secondary (Steve Shannon & Kim Shannon), Hart Highlands Elementary (Teresa Bennett). Nobody joined online tonight.
1. Call to order at 7:01 PM.
2. Adoption of agenda & adoption of June 9, 2014 DPAC meeting minutes-additional items
Agenda & minutes accepted.
3. PAC Networking- intro of attendees.
• DPSS (Darlene) has football has started up. Rugby is about to start up.
• Spruceland Traditional (Dennis) mentioned alternative support to schools with music programs with lease of equipment & related support through a company called Long & McQuade, currently most go through Sight & Sound.
• Ecole Lac des Bois (Shauna) mentioned that the new expanded parking lot is already going to be too small to accommodate parents doing pick-up/drop-off and that there are now signs stating no parking /no stopping on street in front of school.
• General discussion re: teacher’s strike—generally seems to be some misunderstanding & some apathy
• Re: $40/day offered by government to offset costs of child care incurred as children need daycare vs. being in school. Home schooled children can access as well (if through a district). General discussion on access/use for Education Support Program.
• Question if the government/educational system can extend into summer holidays-yes they could.
• Particular questions for partner groups: What is to come of the student conference slated to occur in Kelowna at the end of September? What is the mood going to be like when school starts up after strike is done? After Wednesday’s arbitration vote & if the government is in agreement will they go back to work? Is the general impression that this will be decided before Thanksgiving prior to Christy Clark’s Asian excursion & before the new Legislature commences. Ask the trustees what they are doing.
• Should there be PAC meetings during the strike—not during school hours or on school grounds, or discuss with school administration their goals off-site, via email or phone.
4. Reports
(a) DSAC Report-no report tonight

(b) CUPE Report (Karen Wong)—Bargaining completed as of Friday, September 5, 2014 & for ratification this Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday to be completed Tuesday; supporting teachers on picket lines till resolved, but essential services can cross picket lines; lost wages will be reimbursed at certain times, involved in employee service grant. www.CUPE.ca explains ratification.

(c) PGDTA Report (Tina Cousins & Richard Giroday)—Tina: Handouts including list of known PAC chairs. Had a rally last week & encouraging parents to speak up re: concerns. BC Government violated rights of teachers per Supreme Court case pending. State there is $1000 less per student in B.C. compared to average across the country.
Richard: states 3 keys issues: 1)wages & benefits 5yr vs 6yr & 1% apart in wage & benefits; 2)personal to teachers Teachers’ Charter of Rights (supreme Court case) is not negotiable; 3)underfunding of education in B.C-class size & composition, seeking $175 million this year, and $225 million each year after, but government offering status quo of $75 million. BCTF will not entertain binding arbitration if E80 is on the table.

(d) PGPVPA Report (Dan Watt)—VP of Kelly Rd Secondary. P/VP’s prepping for school year start-up doing new registrations, crossing picket lines as not union members, but providing moral support to those picketing.

(e) PEA Report (Debbie Coxon)—(Debbie Coxon-Speech Language Pathologist)—Wishes students & PEA staff (SLP, Psychologists, PT/OT) were in school but they are not crossing picket lines as are union & their contract is up too & entering negotiations. Class composition & support of students needs to be addressed; currently hold waitlists as no time to see all the students they need to.

(f) Superintendent Report (Brian Pepper)—No formal report, but updates to school district website & new website launched. SD57 is supporting P/VP’s to organize schools looking at programming, provincial exams, class lists, considering minimum hours/days needed per school year to achieve learning outcomes. SD 57 must have spring break to coincide with Canada Winter Games in February 2015 as part of city’s agreement in hosting. There are questions re: use of surplus funds being saved due to teachers not being at work/paid. No matter outcomes SD 57 wishes to be “hard on issues, soft on people” as ramifications for school system are unknown.

(g) Trustee Report (Betty Bekkering)—60 school districts in B.C. with 300+ trustees, but have had little voice in the current strike with 2 sitting at the negotiation table. All trustees have done a letter campaign to Christy Clark & Peter Fassbender to increase funding using money saved, denouncing the $40/day for daycare vs. putting into education. There is much frustration & sadness & worry for the vulnerable students (not only re: education, but also breakfast programs, socio-emotional effects). Meeting with MLAs Sept 19, 2014. Trustee elections are Nov. 15, 2014 & call is out for names for trustee positions.
5. Elections-secretary position remains open
6. Officer and Committee Reports
a) Executive Board Report (Sarah Holland)—DPAC Fall conference for PAC parents to be cancelled Oct 19, 2014 & rescheduled.
DPAC to be called re: Back 2 School handout.
In August, 2014, there was a meeting of BCCPAC with DPAC chairs—2 reports on DPAC website, press release & letter to Vince Ready, retraction letter also written.

b) Treasurer’s Report (Gillian Burnett)—Gillian is passing books to Chris Finke. Not accurate for May, June, July, or August related to bank statements not reconciled. Request to access 4 bank statements from bank to avoid crossing picket lines motioned by Gillian, 2nd by Jacqui, All in favour, none opposed. Noted income from when last met. Year to date not finalized. Gillian motioned review of financial books as bylaw states 2 members without signing authority need to assess for accuracy Jacqui 2nd, all in favour, none opposed—Lotta & Jackie to meet, with Gillian & Chris available for input/questions.
Gaming accounts summary report done, confirmation that application received.

c) BCCPAC Report (Darlene Campbell)—negative responses re: letters, Fassbender mentioned BCCPAC as a voice in this school system; there is an open position of secretary on BCCPAC. Ministry of Education & BCTF will get all BCCPAC information. There have been several petitions sent to MLAs (e.g. in Gordon Head) to suggest government accept binding arbitration.

7. PAC and Parent Assistance
a) Grant requests—none tonight.
b) Fall Conference Report-was scheduled for October 18, 2014, postponed to March 2015, or cancelled & replaced with something like 2 PAC Cafes. Conference committee to discuss.
8. Advising School District
a) Education Services Committee Report (Steve Shannon, Dennis Fudge)—no meeting
b) Educ. Programs&Planning Committee Report (Darlene Campbell, Chris Finke)-no meeting
c) Policy and Governance (Sarah Holland, Chris Finke)—no meeting
d) Ad hoc Technology Committee (Steve Shannon)—no meeting
e) Suggestions for School Board Report—parents concerned re: strike, in support of students’ education.

9. Other Business
a) Strike—has been discussed throughout meeting. See DPAC website for updates, discussions.
b) School board trustee elections—attendance
c) School board trustee forum—attendance
d) BCCPAC Conference in Nanaimo—attendees and application process—need applications by October meeting and grant requests & process/application will be on DPAC website.
e) Priorities for the year—tabled, executive will be meeting to discuss.
f) Next scheduled board meeting-date TBA.
10. Agenda items for next meeting—send to Sarah.

11. Meeting adjourned at 9:59PM by Sarah Holland.

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