Various handouts – Feb 2013 DPAC
DPAC Meeting Minutes Feb 4th, 2013-1
DPAC Executive: Sarah Holland (Chair), Chris Finke (Vice Chair), Darlene Campbell (District Associate), Jacqueline Dockray (Director) and Steve Shannon (Director).
Partner Groups: Kate Cooke, Trustee; Tina Cousins, PGDTA; Lorraine Prouse, CUPE; Faith MacKay, PGPVPA; Nicole Haines PEA.
School Reps: Jacqueline Dockray, Ecole College Heights Elementary; Chris Finke, DP Todd; Darlene Campbell, Duchess Park; Kim Shannon, Hart Highlands; Sarah Holland, Ecole Heather Park; Karen Masich, Heritage; Steve Shannon, Kelly Road; Lotte Andersen, Nukko Lake; Darlene Campbell, Nusdeh Yoh; Michelle Rolfes, Pineview; Shannon Baird, PGSS; Ryan Clarke, Quinson; Dennis Fudge, Spruceland; Maureen Schulting, Buckhorn Elementary; Shauna Connor, Ecole Lac des Bois
1. Adoption of Agenda
Unanimous consent
2. Adoption of January 7th, 2013 Minutes
Unanimous consent
3. PAC Networking
Kelly Road – Info. Night for Northern Learning Centre February 7th
Hart Highlands – fundraising and expecting 2 full K classes (capped).
Vanway – supporting administration for a new library commons. Some money going towards projector – fundraising.
Heritage – full school, trying to figure out what to do for fundraising – more parents participating is a problem. – K registration capped.
Nukko Lake – will be receiving more children, so not to be closed which is good.
Buckhorn – is there a chance for another Foodsafe course?
Pineview – year going smoothly. Lots of room.
Lac des Bois – carnival, pancake breakfast, decorating T-shirts, etc. Sports activities.
DP Todd – number of retirements, course planning for next year, building timetable, student satisfaction survey going out Feb 14th. Learning commons being set up. Ministry audit on DP Todd enrolment – lost 3 FTE`s during that process.
Quinson – online registration a problem because no computers at home. Suggested that parents go to computers at school. Discussion on registration and Policy 5119 and how to register in person. Has the secretaries’ job description changed?
Nusdeh Yoh – nothing to report.
College Heights – swing set to be put in place in summer – district to pay for installation. Lots of other activities going on – Legomania, ski trips, skating, spring concert and others.
PGSS – Spirit Day success – students were very impressed – played pool, bowling, random acts of kindness at Pine Centre Mall (opening doors etc.).
Heather Park – raffle will go ahead (hockey draw), FI Parent info. Night, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, snowshoeing. Trip to QC for G6 & 7 students for next year – deposits due in spring.
DP – football to Oregon for a skills camp with NFL – 7 days. Band off to china.
4. Reports
(a) DSAC Report – not present
(b) CUPE Report – see Bargaining Bulletin. Feb 12th Lorraine to Vancouver to see what next step will be. Feb 14th next meeting. Hands are tied due to funding limitations. President and reps to decide what to do next. Q concerning K registration – online registration how to if you don`t have a computer. Secretaries have done it traditionally, but now that it is online, are they to assist everyone? A real problem.
(c) PGDTA Report – K registration a big issue at their meeting. Understand that EA`s are deployed to help out, but they should be in class. Perhaps could hire some CUPE office staff to help out. What about school org if kids are not registered because people hold off and show up on Sept 5th. I Love Public Education – new initiative. 99 days until voting day. See Charter for Public Education. Wristbands and buttons. BCPSEA came to an agreement regarding framework for bargaining – will be a facilitator, will start bargaining sooner, also will put out common numbers. Shift in relationships about local issues. Can now bargain some local issues at the local level. Positive move forwards in relationship with BCPSEA. 10 year plan is flawed – ignores court rulings. Want right to bargain class size and composition. Teacher`s salaries has been left out of plan. Teachers have rejected this deal. Happy to come and talk to PAC`s.
(d) PGPVPA Report – semester 2 started – looking into programming for next year end of February. Dry Grads organizing. UNBC Achievers – any Grade 12 student with all A`s get to go to UNBC for a day, registration fee waived ($60) and get one course for free if attend UNBC.
(e) PEA Report – help kids transitioning into K. After K registration can assign case managers if necessary – needs based and after consultation. Can provide support if child needs. Transitioning service to about 100 or so students. If early intervention services have been accessed, then this helps with transitioning. Collaborative problem solving model – different from pre-school screening. Info. Attached. They tend to attend Welcome to K days to be available for questions from parents.
(f) Superintendent Report – not present
(g) Trustee Report – see attached.
5. Committee Reports
a) Executive Board Report (Sarah Holland) – see attached
b) Treasurers Report (Gillian Burnett) – see attached – review of bank statements over last year done. This is an example of best practices for PAC’s – just check out the books, conduct a self-audit.
6. PAC and Parent Assistance
a) PAC Cafe Committee – February 16th – not a lot of people registered at the moment – expect more as date draws near. Doesn’t have to be Chairs and Vice-Chairs – others can
b) PAC planner – need to meet.
c) Grants – Edgewood request – much discussion.
Motion: We move to approve the Edgewood grant application for Speaker grant and Family of Schools grant and recommend they speak with Duchess Park about sharing their speaker.
College Heights, Seconded by Nusdeh Yoh. Spruceland and PGSS opposed – notes preference for one of the grants to be okayed rather than both.
Motion: To approve anti-bullying grant proposed by Edgewood.
Kelly Road, Seconded by Buckhorn.
All opposed. Not within the parental purview of DPAC.
7. Advising School District
a) Education Services report (Steve Shannon) – see attached
b) EPPC Committee Report (Darlene Campbell) – 3 new coursed have been approved.
c) Policy and Governance report (Sarah Holland) – very first meeting we were able to attend – see attached.
d) Calendar committee report (Darlene Campbell & Maureen) – lack of public consultation – said it was 30 days. Concerns for working poor. Break in February 2015 too long between break and end of year. Could they introduce another little break? Will consider – dependent on CUPE and other groups requirements. – minutes attached. To be approved at February Board meeting.
e) Suggestions for Board Meeting (Sarah Holland) – concerns re: K registration, capacities. Concerns about snow piling around schools – are there bylaws to ensure kids can be seen and snow cannot be piled around schools? Ask Mr. Pepper at our next meeting.
8. Other Business
(a) Gift certificate – Direct Art – resolution – Don indicated that he did not need nor want any art and would rather it went to other uses like supporting students in the schools. Suggestion that it could be passed on as a prize for competition in district. Give to Don`s PAC. Could use as a door prize at the PAC Cafe.
Motion: that the Direct Art gift certificate be used as a door prize at the PAC Cafe. Nusdeh Yoh, seconded by Spruceland. Passed unanimously.
(b) DPAC AGM scheduling and election of Nominating Committee – keep it in May.
(c) BCCPAC Conference, May 3-5th, 2013.
Motion: To change the May DPAC meeting to the second Monday in May. Nusdeh Yoh, seconded by PGSS. Motion passes.
(d) Request to present in March – Kids Helping Kids, Action Schools. Unanimous consent – 15 min. Presentation limitation.
(f) Invitation from PGDTA to attend Spring Fling – email Kim Rutherford directly – see website.
9. Agenda items for next meeting
Resolutions for BCCPAC
Meeting adjourned at 9:56 pm.
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