DPAC MINUTES FOR April 4th, 2016
7:00 pm Van Bien Training and Development Centre
DPAC Executive: Sarah Holland (Chair), Steve Shannon, Mike Gagel, Gillian Burnett
Partner Groups: Brenda Hooker, Karen Wong, Richard Giroday, Dan Watt
School Reps: Candice Bate – Buckhorn, Jacqueline Dockray – College Heights Elementary, Shara Schenk – Edgewood, Mandy Levesque – Hart Highlands, Shauna Connor – Lac de Bois, Gillian Burnett – Nukko Lake, Charleen Henyu – Nusdeh Yoh, Kim Pryschlak – Quinson
1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda and Minutes
Agenda adopted as written.
Minutes adopted as presented.
3. PAC Networking – Edgewood received a Community Enhancement Grant from the City of Prince George regarding a pedestrian safety program they’re putting together. Hart Highlands had a successful (and local) fundraiser using plants from Hunniford’s Nursery. Southridge received an Imagine Grant to install a garden on the school property. SD 57 Maintenance Department seems eager to help.
4. Partner Group Presentations
a) DSAC – not in attendance
b) CUPE (Karen Wong) – Was in budget-related meetings all day. Theme was that there’s no money available for anything. Services from CUPE will continue to decrease. Fewer hours and fewer positions are being funded. There is no money to replace people when positions are vacant. Quesnel is closing 3 schools – passed almost unanimously. Two out of the three are rural.
c) PGDTA (Richard Giroday)- BCTF has written a letter to MoE recommending the new curriculum implementation be pushed back a year. Professional Employees Assoc now part of the BCTF. Says situation in schools has reached a critical point – children and teachers haven’t got the support they need. Asks what DPAC is doing to change the poor situation in the schools.
d) PGPVPA (Dan Watt)- Parent involvement is key in generating school support. New curriculum feedback suggests the teachers are finding it more revision than new material. April 13/14 a school org. day for Principals/Vice Principals, May 10 – BCPVP association bringing up professionals to work with local P/VP on professional growth plans. SD 57 is one of only 3 districts in the province that is being given this opportunity.
e) Superintendent (Sharon Cairns) – not able to attend.
f) Trustee (Brenda Hooker) – Long Range Facilities Plan and Strategic Plan progress complicated by the lack of a Superintendent. $600,000 government holdback given back to the District. Superintendent posting closes this week. Rural recommendations are still being reviewed. She reiterated that she wants to setup a meeting between the trustees and DPAC before the end of June.
5. Elections – Vacant Secretary position
6. Officer and Committee Reports
a) Executive Board Report (Sarah Holland) – Contacted by News 250 for an email comment on parents’ feelings about two week spring breaks. Contacted by Citizen regarding a comment on the online concussion tools for teachers, parents, etc. (CATTonline.com).
b) Treasurer’s Report (Gillian Burnett) – SD57 has transferred DPAC’s funding to DPAC. The DPAC Chair asked for a report on the PAC grants and amounts awarded to date.
c) BCCPAC Report – Refer to 9 a) for information about the BCCPAC Resolutions workshop. The DPAC Chair recommends a vote in favour of the radon resolution (brought forward by the SD 57 DPAC). Proxy forms needed before representatives travel to the AGM.
7. PAC and Parent Assistance –
a) Grant Request – One submitted by Edgewood Elementary (see attached).
To approve $300 grant request from Edgewood Elementary.
b) Digital and online safety workshop- currently 183 people registered. Amanda Stockdale of the Child Sex Crimes Unit of the local RCMP may also be a resource for further parent workshops.
8. Advising School District
a) School District Budget Consultation Committee – Meeting today with trustees. Discussion on transportation: general disdain for users fees, but appeared to like the idea of a courtesy bussing fee. Fees are only intended to cover the administrative costs of the bussing services. Ministry released holdbacks resulting in approximately $600,000 for our district. The district is budgeting assuming an enrollment decline of approximately 87 students in 2016/17. The DPAC Committee will take feedback from DPAC to the next meeting.
b) Superintendent Job Interview Panel – Posting closes this week. Consultant group will review applicants. Discussed DPACs roll in this process.
c) Calendar Committee Report- Committee thought that Monday NIDs may be harder for parents to accommodate than Friday NIDs. Reiterated that consistency and planning ahead is important to parents. Schools are required to let parents know when report card writing days are. Parents and PACs need to impress upon Principals and Vice Principals that it’s important to do this. A program called ‘Remind’ allows schools to pay to send texts to parents’ phones with school reminders and information.
d) Recommendations from the Rural Consultation Committee – Not available
e) Education Services Committee Report – Doug Borden from Career Training Centre wants to speak to the DPAC. DPAC says June works best.
f) Education Programs and Planning Committee Report (Mike Gagel) – Not available
g) Policy and Governance (Sarah Holland) – Policy on Rights and Responsibilities of Employees and Use of Restraints up for review. Discussed Policies on Rights and Responsibilities of Students and Student Codes of Conduct.
h) Suggestions for the School Board Report – See Attached.
9. Other Business
a) BCCPAC Resolutions – Workshop and proxies to be done Sunday April 10th from 11-2 at the Van Bien Training Centre. Sign up online at the DPAC website.
10. Agenda Items for next meeting – none at this time.
11. Adjournment – Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 9th, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Van Bien Training and Development Centre.
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