Our DPAC AGM went well. Thank you to all the PACs for joining and creating quorum.
We are pleased to announce our new executive members:
- Chair – Andrea Beckett
- Vice-Chair – Laura Weller
- Treasurer – Arlene McKibbin
- Secretary – Rickie Mitchell
- Director – Gillian Burnett
- Director – Christa Porter
We had a lively discussion about wellness, workload, and sustainability for teachers and staff at SD57. This is the statement from DPAC:
We acknowledge that teachers have done their best in a difficult year when they have been asked to do more and more with less and less (less certainty, less protection) and that teachers and the public school system are critical to the health and well-being of students and families. That’s a heavy load to bear. We acknowledge that teachers in classrooms are critical to reaching students and bringing out their best. This is not to say that other staff members do not contribute in meaningful ways to support our kids – it takes a team, it takes a village.
But teachers. Teachers are something else and we recognize that teachers don’t come to the profession as anything less than seeing it as a calling and an honour to support children and the community at large. They are the frontline to children, they become a special part of a student’s growth. As adults we all remember special teachers that had an impact on our own growth and brought us to a path we would not have discovered without them. How can we make sure our kids have the same experience without burning out highly trained, compassionate educators?
Then some questions were sent out to teachers and responses are coallated in the document below.