DPAC Minutes – June 3, 2013

DPAC meeting minutes June 3, 2013

7:00 p.m. Van Bien Training and Development Centre

DPAC Executive: Sarah Holland (Chair), Chris Finke (Vice Chair), Gillian Burnett (Treasurer), Darlene Campbell (District Associate) , Jacqueline Dockray (Director), Steve Shannon (Technical Director) and Inge Culhane (Secretary)
Partner Groups: Brian Pepper, Superintendent; Kate Cooke, Trustee; Lorraine Prouse, Karen Wong, C.U.P.E; Richard Giroday, Tina Cousins, PGDTA; Faith MacKay, PGPVPA; Nicole Haines, PEA;
School Reps: Jacqueline Dockray, College Heights Elementary; Chris Finke, DP Todd; Darlene Campbell, Duchess Park; Inge Culhane, Edgewood; Kim Shannon, Hart Highlands (on WebX); Sarah Holland, Heather Park; Steve Shannon, Kelly Road; Lotte Anderson, Nukko Lake; Darlene Campbell, Nusdeh Yoh; Michelle Rolfes, Pineview Elementary; Michelle Rolfes, PGSS; Ryan Clarke, Quinson; Dennis Fudge, Spruceland;

1. Adoption of Agenda –
Superintendent (Brian Pepper) be moved to front of ‘Partner Presentations’.
BCCPAC Report (Darlene Campbell) added to ‘Officer and Committee Reports’.
Add Food Safe to ‘PAC and Parent Assistance’.
Add Tapestry to ‘Other Business’.
Adopted with changes by unanimous consent.

2. Adoption of May 13, 2013 Minutes
Change 7. b) Officer and Committee Reports Motion from “TP Todd” to “DP Todd”. Adopted with changes by unanimous consent.

3. PAC Networking
• DP Todd- Graduation/Convocation, Burger Bash, Year Book distribution, Exams, Band Students (10 students) put on a camp for feeder schools at Ness Lake, Bell-run-through with Leadership students. Discussion about Field Trip forms re: funding (what if families can not afford it – policy)
• Duchess Park- Adopted By-laws. Signage will be in school in September. Discussion about access to Tennis Courts. Discussion about outside gym and usage of city fields.
• Nusdeh Yoh- Sports Day last day of school. PAC will hand out hotdog lunches to all of the students for free. Swingset being put in.
• Edgewood- Kindergarten Orientation, Track and Field, Sports Day (PAC running concession), Teacher Appreciation luncheon, Barkerville Overnight Field Trip, Fort St. James, Bar K Ranch, Fort George Park, Releasing Salmon, Student/Staff pancake breakfast last day of school.
• Hart Highlands- Nothing to report.
• Kelly Road- Graduation this coming Friday.
• Heather Park- PAC making cards to help try to keep parents out of the bus loop.
• Nukko Lake- Sports Day discussion. ACTION: School representatives bring Sports Day ideas to DPAC meeting in September and report how different Schools put on Sports Day
• PGSS- Graduation went well.
• Pinewood- Grade 7’s Graduation. LA Promotions – Bull riding, Velcro suit, Laser Tag, Sumo Wrestling
• Quinson- PAC will meet this week. Spectacular Art Show in conjunction with Book Fair. Well attended.
• Spruceland- Will be voting on new PAC Executive and DPAC Rep at next meeting

4. Partner Group Presentations
(a) Superintendent Report – (Brian Pepper) Moved to present first. Spoke to his report. Principals and Vice Principals movement. Labour Relations discussion. District Achievement Contract. Thank you to CUPE and PGDTA Presidents for their hard work and Best Wishes to them. Board of Education-what they bring to the school district. Thank you to DPAC and all PAC’s in the district for their continued involvement and donation of their time in working in partnership with the Board. Request to find out about Sprinklers in the schools and insurance for schools in the district. Discussion regarding insurance for HighGlen Fire. Personal/School insurance.
(b) DSAC Report – (Jay Khatra) Not present
(c) CUPE Report – (Lorraine Prouse, Karen Wong) Lorraine introduced Karen Wong as new president. Strike vote. K-12 Presidents mtg- strike vote -no dates for them. Vote only good for 90 days. Minor job action-not detrimental to anyone – it will solidify strike vote. Holding strike votes so they do not have to do them over again. Local bargaining is finished. Provincial table will have to go back to the table. Karen Wong mentioned a BIG Thank you to Lorraine. A Thank you to Lorraine from Jacqui on behalf of DPAC.
(d) PGDTA Report – (Richard Giroday , Tina Cousins) Tina introduced Richard as 1st vice president. Relationships- we are a team, don’t always agree on everything, but we work together well. Value the relationship. Provincial bargaining at the table, contract up the end of June. Cooperative gains mandate talk and 10 year agreement talk. Best wishes for the summer.
(e) PGPVPA Report – (Faith MacKay) Faith mentioned that they are looking at staffing, stressful time for staff. Winding down for the year. Report from principals – Ron Brent-Social Skills, Grade 7’s ceremonious sweat, Peer Helper retreat, Community Pancake breakfast, Awards Day and graduation ceremony; Edgewood- PAC hosted community garage sale; PGSS-Lunch Talent Show, Traditional aboriginal Feast, Art Auction/awards night, Athletic awards for Coaches/Sponsors/Students, Aboriginal Graduation Feast; CHSS-Grad last weekend, Aboriginal Education graduation Feast, Athletics/Academic Awards, Theatre/Band performances.
(f) PEA Report – (Nicole Haines) – Nicole has been working for the school district for 5 years. June is always busy . PEA workers are helping students transition to high school. PEA working together to support students for changes with Social workers, counsellors, teachers and other staff . Interagency mtg about continuity about changes for students moving schools. A student has been working with PEA for past 5 months. Scholarship student in Mackenzie. Significant staff changes. 3 retirees, one mat leave currently and one due in Aug.
(g) Trustee Report – (Kate Cooke). Spoke to her report. Budget considerations. Management and
Finance. Education Program and Planning. Policy and Governance. Trustee Reports.

5. Officer and Committee Reports
a) Executive Board Report (Sarah Holland) – Attached in June agenda package.
b) Treasurers Report (Gillian Burnett) – Attached in June agenda package.
c) BCCPAC Report (Darlene Campbell) – BCCPAC Fall Conference Nov 15-17, 2013. Spring Conference/AGM May 23-25, 2014 in the Lower Mainland (location to be announced at later date). DPAC Chair retreat in January 2014. Darlene will meet with Minister Of Education August 24-25, 2013. BCCPAC website has several committees – looking for volunteers. Please have a look and let Darlene know which ones you think would benefit the North.

6. PAC and Parent Assistance
a) PAC Planner – Jacqui Dockray created a calendar to add to PAC Planner. Looking for dates to add. Aiming to provide PAC’s with planner in September 2013. Looking at distributing them through School Board mail.
b) Grants – Email from Highglen Montessori for a request for a $400 one time Grant. ACTION: Sarah Holland will provide secretary with the email from Highglen .
MOTION: (by Gillian Burnett) to approve grant request for Highglen Montessori School. 2nd by Jacqui Dockray. Discussion about request not fitting into Grant Application requirements. Suggestions about providing substitute Motion.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: (by Gillian Burnett) for DPAC to donate $500 to Highglen Montessori PAC for the replacement of Montessori Materials. 2nd by Jacqui Dockray. Discussion about DPAC adding another category to allow for unique circumstances such as Highglen fire. Motion carried.
ACTION: DPAC Treasurer will make a cheque out to Highglen Montessori PAC for $500.
ACTION: Sarah Holland and Darlene Campbell will attend Highglen Community BBQ to represent support from DPAC and BCCPAC.
c) Fall Conference- tentatively scheduled for October 19, 2013. Committee will set a date to meet together.
d) Food Safe- MOTION: (by Gillian Burnett) for DPAC to hold a Food Safe course for PAC’s for the Fall 2013. 2nd by Jacqui Dockray. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
ACTION: DPAC Treasurer will proceed with this.

7. Advising School District
a) Education Services report (Steve Shannon) – Nothing to report.
b) EPPC Committee Report (Darlene Campbell) – Included in Executive Board Report in agenda package.
c) Policy and Governance report (Sarah Holland) – Included in Executive Board Report in agenda package.
d) Expanded Committee of the Whole ( Gillian Burnett & Sarah Holland)- Included in Executive Board Report in agenda package.
e) Suggestions for School Board Report (Sarah Holland)- Concerns about Speed Zones, Speed/Road Enforcement, Update the Organization Chart on the website, when Partner groups bring suggestions forward-when are the suggestions addressed
8. Other Business
a) Tapestry- would like to add grade 4-6 students to Tapestry. Would like to do a short presentation at the September DPAC meeting. 5 minutes. Unanimously agreed upon.
9. Agenda items for next meeting… Review Grants Application. New category- Unique Circumstances (to allow for donations i.e. Highglen donation due to fire).
Meeting adjourned at 9:46 pm.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 9, 2013 at 7:00pm Van Bien training and Development Center.

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