DPAC MINUTES FOR October 6, 2014

DPAC MINUTES FOR October 6, 2014
7p.m. Van Bien Training Centre


DPAC EXECUTIVE:  Sarah Holland (Chair) , Darlene Campbell (Vice-Chair), Chris Finke (Treasurer), Dennis Fudge (District Associate), Leanne Harasym (secretary), Steve Shannon (Director at Large).

PARTNER GROUPS:  Tina Cousins ( PGTDA), Dan Watt ( Principals and Vice Principals), Nicole Haines ( PEA), Brian Pepper ( Superintendent), Betty Bekkering (Trustee)

SCHOOL REPS: DPAC (Sarah Holland), Kelly Road Secondary School ( Steve Shannon), Malaspina ( Rob Woods & Trista Spencer), Spruceland Traditional ( Dennis Fudge & Leanne Harasym), Quinson (Ryan Clarke), D.P Todd (Chris Finke), Southridge ( Jennifer Hicke), Nusdeh Yoh (Charlene Henyu & Darlene Campbell), DPSS ( Darlene Campbell), Glenview( Fiona Kitt), College Heights ( Natalie Wehner), Nukko Lake (Tasha Senff), PGSS (Michelle Rolfes), Lac des Bois (Shauna Connor), Ecole College Heights ( Jacqueline Dockray), Peden Hill (Sara-Lynn Harding).

1.  Call to order at 7:00 pm
2.  Adoption or agenda and adoption of September 6, 2014 minutes
Agenda accepted
Amendment to 6c. Change the word letters to letter.  Accepted as amended.
3.  PAC Networking and Discussion
All Schools with a Rep had a chance to talk about new, upcoming, or
continuing events or activities happening in there schools.
A) DSAC Report-no report

B) CUPE Report- Karen Wong in Valemont

C) PGDTA Report (Tina Cousins)- World Teacher Day was Oct 5.  Still waiting   to see how much support there will be for kids.  Teacher Prep Time has gone from 90 min to 100 min, in 2017 it will go to 110 min.

D) PGPVPA Report ( Dan Watt)- P/VP’s are working on relationships with staff and how to move forward.  Working on Learning team grants and plans for student success.

E) PEA Report- ( Nicole Haines)- Staff or 35 to 40 that support students, staff and families.  One new psychologist but still short .8 Occupational Therapist.  All staff are changing positions and working hard to facilitate transitions.  Document deadlines for students have been moved from Sept 30th to Oct 17th.

F) Superintendent Report (Brian Pepper)- Report Given.  60 contracts to be sorted out.  Highlighted how important PACs are and wanting all PAC members to report back to their PACs the importance of criminal record checks.  Asked Chair about email sent out.  8 schools responded, no new schools.  Discussed his blog and that he stopped because it was counter productive to where he wants to go.  Info will be tracked on connect ed.

G) Trustee Report (Betty Beckering)-  email sent to Chair with regrets for no attending.

5.  Officer and Committee Reports
a) Executive Board Report (Sarah Holland). Explained that partner groups have 5 min each to speak. Report Given
b) Treasurer’s Report (Chris Finke and Gillian). Revenue last year: 11566.27.  Spent 12540.25. General account 17642.68. There is a Sandman credit.  Motion from Gillian : That DPAC pay BCCPAC directly for SD57 schools who join.  Second from Peden Hill.  Dennis Fudge apposed the motion, all others in favour. Motion carried.
c) BCCPAC Report (Darlene Campbell). Conference in Nanaimo from Nov 21-23rd.  Mail out going out this week, planner/agenda going out in 2 weeks.

6.  PAC and Parent Assistance
a) Grant requests:  2 requests that fall under BCCPAC
b). Conference / PAC Cafe. Fall conference cancelled. Executive will discuss a spring replacement.

7.  Advising School District
a)  Education Services Committee Report(Steve Shannon). Unable to attend. Report on DPAC website.
b)  Education Programs and Planning Committee Report (Darlene,Chris). Have not met
c)  Policy and Governance (Sarah and Dennis). Met one and will meet again next week. Working on outstanding policies.
d)  Ad hoc Technology Committee ( Steve). Unsure if it will meet again
e)  Calendar Committee ( Leanne and Darlene)
f) Suggestions for School Board Report ( Sarah). Contact Sarah if you have questions you want tasked.

8.  Other Business
a) School Board Trustee Forum- November 4th, Vanier Hall. Open to all partner groups.  Deadline is Oct 10th for those running.
b)  BCCPAC conference in Nanaimo.  Darlene, Chris, Charlene, Sarah, Leanne and Donna would like to attend.  Motion from Gillian:  DPAC to pay for all 6 in the most economical fashion.  Second from Jaquie. All in favour, motion passed.
c)  Vacant director position. Rob Woods From Malaspina stepped up.  All in favour.
d) Priorities for year.  Advise district or DPAC needs.

9.   Agenda items for next meeting.  Darlene will talk more on BCCPAC

10.  Meeting adjourned at 9:27 pm by Sarah Holland.

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