DPAC Advocacy

Dear parents and families of students,

We as the DPAC are so very deeply aware of how frustrating and difficult the start of the school year has been for you, especially this last week with the sudden and poorly communicated reorganization and loss of divisions at many schools throughout the district.   Please be aware that DPAC was not engaged or notified of the restructuring by the school district board nor by the district senior administration. We found out about the division changes at 13 schools in SD57 through the voices of our PACs and via Facebook after the decision had been made and carried out by the district, which was extremely upsetting to us. This lack of communication and engagement is not acceptable to us and we need you to know that our DPAC is continuing to advocate strongly and loudly for the needs and rights of students. As such we have escalated the return to school issues, including the recent reorganization, to BCCPAC as our provincial body.

DPACs are the legislated parent voice at the school district level, representing the collective views of school Parent Advisory Councils (PAC) in a school district. The role of DPAC is to advise and engage with the board of education and district administration on any matter(s) relating to education in their school district. DPAC’s advocate for parental involvement in the education system and give input into the development of education policy. However, if we as the DPAC are not aware of changes being considered or put forward by the school district we are unable to provide input, bring forward potential alternative options or advocate for parents and families in the district. There were other options that could have been brought to the table for discussion had we been engaged by the district, as is our legally defined role and right.

Please continue to send us your feedback, thoughts, suggestions, experiences as we continue to advocate vociferously on your behalf.

Please also ensure that every one of your emails or messages gets sent to the SD57 Board of Administration. Their contact information can be found on the SD57 website and is as follows:

Tim Bennett, Chair
Phone: 250-649-8316; Email: tbennett@sd57.bc.ca
Trent Derrick, Vice Chair
Phone: 778-675-6833; Email: tderrick@sd57.bc.ca
Betty Bekkering, Trustee
Phone: 250-960-9627; Email: bbekkering@sd57.bc.ca
Ron Polillo, Trustee
Phone: 250-612-9801; Email: rpolillo@sd57.bc.ca
Bob Thompson, Trustee
Phone: 1-778-258-0152; Email: bthompson@sd57.bc.ca
Shuirose Valimohamed, Trustee
Phone: 1-250-988-1648; Email: svalimohamed@sd57.bc.ca
Sharel Warrington, Trustee
Phone: 250-612-8352; Email: swarrington@sd57.bc.ca

We will share more information with you as we get it.

SD57 District Parent Advisory Executive/DPAC:

Andrea Beckett -Chair
Kim Pryschlak – Vice-Chair
Arlene McKibbin – Treasurer
Christa Porter – Director & Media Support
Amie Thibodeau – Director

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