The collective bargaining proposals can be found here:
For example, the June 3rd class size proposal from the BCTF is here:
In 2014 the class size maximums would be 20 for Kindergarten, 22 for grades 1-3, and 28 for grades 4-12. By 2016, the maximum for kindergarten would be 18, 20 for grades 1-3, 26 for grades 4-7, and 27 for grades 8-12. For split classes, the class size maximum would two less than the maximum for the lowest grade.
For reference, the current class size maximums for kindergarten are 22 students, for grades 1 to 3 it is 24 students, and for grades 4 to 12 it is 30 students.
In 2002, kindergarten class sizes were capped at 20 students, while Grades 1 to 3 were capped at 22. In 2002, class sizes for Grades 4 to 12 were negotiated by each school district, so there was no consistency across the province. The 2002 class size limits were restored by the BC Supreme Court in January, but that decision is currently being appealed.
The BCPSEA has a document from March, giving details as to their differences with class size and composition proposals:
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