SD57 Parents with students enrolled in Central Interior Distance Education School (CIDES) or at the Centre for Learning Alternatives (CLA):

PAC Meeting and AGM
Thursday Oct 15 at 5pm
John McInnis Learning Centre
3400 Westwood Dr
(typically runs 1.5 hours)

Please share with other parents especially those new to CIDES and alternate programs this fall. Due to Covid, please RSVP by email so we are adequately prepared to meet current health and safety guidelines at the meeting. Masks are optional at that time if physical distance can be maintained, daily health check is mandatory, distancing will be implemented.  If response is larger than the space can accommodate there may be an update to the meeting format.  Being involved in PAC is a great way to be involved in your child’s education, especially this year, as everything has shifted so much.  If a family is new to CIDES this would be a great way to share ideas and connect on important issues.

Link to BCCPAC on what a PAC is/does, what to expect:…/members/pac-dpac/what-is-a-pac

Link to the PAC meeting announcement on the CLA school website:

For more information and to RSVP: or

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