Catchment and Capacity Review

At the February 27, 2018 school board meeting, the board passed the following motion:

That the Superintendent of Schools be directed to review the recommendations of the Catchment and Capacity Stakeholder Review Advisory Committee and the Ad Hoc Committee for the Long Range Facility Plan, and develop a plan for consultation with students, families, school staffs, and the wider community, for feedback to be brought forward to the Education Programs and Planning Committee related to education programs and the Education Services Committee related to the catchment and capacity of schools for the 2019-2020 and subsequent school years.
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1. At its meeting held January 8, 2018, the Education Services Committee received the reports of the Catchment and Capacity Stakeholder Review Advisory Committee and the Ad Hoc Committee for the Long Range Facility Plan.

2. Each Committee presented recommendations to the Education Services Committee.

3. Recommendations related to student enrolment for the 2018-2019 school year were approved by the Board of Education at its meeting held on January 30  2018.

4. At its meeting held on February 5, 2018 the Education Services Committee discussed recommendations from both the Catchment and Capacity Stakeholder Review Advisory Committee and the Ad Hoc Committee for the Long Range Facility Plan that required further broad input and consultation. The Education Services Committee is requesting that the Superintendent of Schools review the recommendations made for the 2019-2020 and subsequent school years, and develop a plan to consult with the students families, and staffs of schools, and the wider community to obtain feedback to inform recommendations that will be brought forward, through the Education Programs and Planning Committee and the Education Services Committee.

5. The recommendations that require further review and wider consultation include:
(1) Duchess Park Secondary – consideration of the programs offered at the school and the elementary schools that are part of this secondary school family

(2) Prince George Secondary – consideration of the programs offered at the school and the elementary schools that are part of this secondary school family.

(3) Prince George Secondary – consideration of a Capital Project for a new elementary school to be located on the site of the former Blackburn Junior Secondary School

(4) Mackenzie – a commitment to consider any proposals for the use of surplus space at Mackenzie Secondary School received from the District of Mackenzie or the Regional District of Fraser Fort George.

(5) Robson Valley – a commitment to continue to monitor enrolment in both schools in McBride in accordance with motions adopted by the Board of Education in November 2016 and January 2017.

(6) Hart Area Elementary Schools – consideration of a review of school catchment boundaries for all Hart Area elementary schools.

A question was asked of the Superintendent what she anticipated consultation looking like, and the response was that they anticipate surveying families affected and staff affected, and some mechanism for wider community input, as well as some opportunity to ask students for their opinions. This will involve paper as well as electronic methods for input, and likely a plan for some live meetings as well. They anticipate bringing forward a timeline to the Education Services committee in April, and a survey process taking place in April and May, with information for trustees to take a look at June and then September.


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