Catchment and Capacity Consultation Update from SD57 board meeting, April 10th

At the April 10th school board meeting, the report from the March committee of the Education Services Committee was presented. One item listed in the minutes relates to the Catchment and Capacity Consultation, which is currently in development.

“The Superintendent discussed first consultation steps that may be taken regarding possible changes to school catchment areas as directed by the Board of Education at its meeting held February 27, 2018. She noted that an option that should be considered related to the Duchess Park Secondary School family is including Edgewood Elementary School in the Kelly Road Secondary School family effective when the new Kelly Road Secondary School first enrolls students in September 2020. The superintendent advised the Committee that further information on planned catchment and capacity consultation would be brought to the April 9, 2018 Education Services committee meeting.”


Members of the DPAC executive who have attended some of these committee meetings are aware of upcoming consultations regarding a variety of recommendations in the district, but much of this information cannot be made public at this time by us. Information on this will be going out to parents from the district, and we can note that the district is talking very seriously about consulation with the community. These plans are still under development, but this particular item has now been made public at a board meeting.


Additionally, other consultations were listed in a handout at the board meeting:

  • Edgewood Elementary School catchment area
  • Options for French immersion programming
  • A possible capital project for a new elemtnary school on teh site of teh former Blackburn Junior Secondary School
  • A review of school catchment areas for all Hart Elementary Schools
  • Possible further consulatation with the Spruceland Traditional school community regarding future programming

The first two items will be brought to the board at their May 1st board meeting, and the next 3 will be discussed in their Education Serivces meeting in May.


There is also a recommendation that the Superintendent be directed to advise the District of Mackenzie and the Regional District of Fraser Fort George that SD57 welcomes proposals for the use of surplus space at Mackenzie Secondary School, and that the Superintendent continue communciation with McBride stakeholders to involve those stakeholders in decision making regarding school programming Kindergarten to Grade 12 in McBride.

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