BCPSEA – Update on Return to School and Full Activities


Most school districts will be returning from Spring Break on Monday and BCPSEA has received some inquiries about what to expect over the next few weeks. After any strike action a period of adjustment is necessary for the workplace to return to normal and we will be reporting to districts as matters arise.

We also encourage districts to work closely with their principals and vice-principals during this time. We understand that some of the local teachers’ associations have been contacting principals to ask to speak with them about teacher actions and to ask that they delay the re-introduction of activities such as supervision schedules, staff meetings, report cards, etc. It will be important to support principals and vice principals as we now require teachers to perform duties they were previously permitted to withdraw.

The following topics have been raised as pressing matters that districts will need to resolve upon return from Spring Break:

  • Supervision of students — Districts should develop a transition plan so that student supervision that was previously being done by excluded and management staff in lieu of teachers during the strike is returned to teachers.
  • Currently due report cards and reporting of marks — We understand that most schools in the province are now at a point in the year when a report card is due (or was very recently due) to be issued including for linear, semester, and year round schools. This is an important report for students, parents, and the school administrators as it would normally update a child’s learning progress (since the beginning of September) and identify problems that may exist or if additional supports are necessary. It is BCPSEA’s position that all such report cards should now be prepared and issued. The dates when this report card was or is due vary greatly school to school. During the strike teachers were required to continue to perform assessment, evaluation, and marking. Districts should speak to their local teachers’ associations to discuss the contents of the report card (e.g., will the current report card reflect all progress and/or the cumulative grade from September to the current date or will separate entries be made for September to November and November to March?) and the timing of this report card. It may be necessary to provide additional days for teachers to submit the marks and/or prepare the report cards. Districts should also begin to confirm with teachers that all marks for Grade 12 students will now be entered in the normal manner so that acceptance for post-graduation institutions will not be delayed or compromised, and that other marks for students (e.g., semester one final grades) have also been entered appropriately.
  • Staff meetings and other meetings — We suggest that administrators begin to schedule staff and committee meetings in the normal manner which meets the needs of the students, teachers, and the school. Given that many of these meetings have not occurred this school year, it may be necessary to remind teachers about the specific purposes, timing, agendas, and procedures for the particular meetings.

As we all know, a strike disrupts work routines and can strain relationships. Part of a plan for
getting back to normal work should deal with these realities. We encourage school districts to work with their local teachers’ associations as we move forward through the process of return to full duties. BCPSEA will also communicate with districts and liaise with the BC Teachers’ Federation over the next few weeks. It is important that regular routines are re-established reasonably soon, and we hope this will occur through a cooperative approach.

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