BCCPAC Updates

We would like to forward 2 very important updates from BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) in the last week. We suggest following them on Facebook and frequenting their website for COVID-19 information.

Member Update – K-12 & COVID-19

Information Update for Parents/Guardians We are truly appreciative of the united effort that is being undertaken across the education sector resulting in the continuity of an educational program while our children are at home. As parents, we understand that alternative instruction plans are being created to best meet the needs of children and that learning will vary by grade, district and region. As we try to maintain a daily routine in our homes, including academics and recreation, parents acknowledge that educators play a critical role supporting our children during this extraordinary time. Staff at the district and school level are working together on developing plans for the continuity of learning of your children. Districts will provide information to parents directly once they have finalized their plans. Many of you may have already received an update by email (from your school district and/or school and/or teacher(s)) or requests for information via surveys etc. Watch for these and respond quickly to aid your school district in their planning for your benefit.
Ministry Released Information On March 27, on behalf of BCCPAC, President Sinclair released a joint letter with the Minister of Education, Hon Rob Fleming. Additionally on Friday, there was a media release to address concerns about the continuity of learning. On March 25, the Ministry released an FAQ document for parents/guardians to address the many questions as March Break was coming to a close. Please take the time to review and read these documents.
Where to Find Information We have put all the K-12/COVID-19 information for parents/guardians/caregivers in one place on our website and we are committed to updating it regularly. It includes documents which have been translated and all details shared with families. We encourage you to bookmark it, read it and share it. While teachers and schools have primary responsibility for continuous learning, the government has launched “Keep Learning BC”. This is a central place where families can find ideas for everyday educational activities, annotated links to free learning resources, as well as how to help children learn and how to ensure their well-being while they are at home. Keep Learning is available at: www.openschool.bc.ca/keeplearning/ The Keep Learning page has four icons on the bottom with popup pages with detailed information. The page contains helpful guides to maintain routines and stay safe online, giving parents information about how talk to their children about COVID-19, along with other mental health resources to manage stress or anxiety. Students, parents, guardians and teachers can also find learning resources and accurate, timely information about schools, programs and educational services, including regularly updated frequently asked questions at www.gov.bc.ca/SafeSchools/.
Please remember:
The coming few weeks will not be what you expect and you should not expect it to look just like in-class instruction prior to March Break
Continuity of instruction and learning will look very different for your children, varying by region, by district, by school and by grade level Instruction will not just flip over 100% to online – it may be part of many students continued learning but don’t assume it’s the 100% replacement to in-class instruction
Change is difficult but change doesn’t equate to bad or less
Don’t speculate, jump to conclusions or make assumptions – Rely on factual information from trusted sources There will be more questions that need answers as we move forward together – please know that discussions and the sharing of information continues throughout the sector.
Together we will make this work.

ATTN MEMBERS: AGM to be held Online on Saturday May 2

Effects of COVID-19 Restrictions – AGM Format and Timing Updated This year will be remembered as a year of massive changes during which we will work together and evolve and adjust as each day brings new challenges. On March 14 we emailed members that your Board of Directors had made the very difficult but necessary decision to cancel our in-person May Conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM) that was scheduled for May 1-3. And at that time we had asked you to hold Saturday May 2, 2020 in case we needed your participation online. We will be holding a streamlined AGM as an online meeting from 9:30am to 11:30am on Saturday May 2, 2020. To ensure our stability and sustainability, we will be holding the AGM to cover necessary business elements of an AGM including board elections, presentation of audited financial statements and annual budget, and board and committee reports. You will receive more details and information regarding the AGM by Friday April 3, 2020. Online registration will be required but there will not be a fee to participate. We will also be updating our AGM Booklet and providing this to members as a PDF document in advance of the online AGM on May 2.
Board of Directors The following Board members are in the second year of their respective terms and will continue to serve on the Board of Directors for the 2020-21 membership year: Gillian Burnett, Treasurer
Kerri Schill, Director Ashley Sonosky, Director
In light of our current circumstances due to COVID-19, the Board recently updated Policy 4050 to allow these uncontested board nominees to be affirmed by the membership during the AGM on May 2.

These are difficult and challenging times. Please know that the Board is working hard on your behalf.

DPAC would like to reiterate from the BCCPAC website:

Please don’t speculate, jump to conclusions or make assumptions. Rely on factual information.
As parents/guardians in public education, your trusted and accurate sources for K-12 information are BCCPAC, the Ministry of Education, your School District, your local DPAC, your School staff and your PAC. Know who and where to direct your inquiries…and no its not into your echo chamber on social media.

Thank you for your patience and dedication to education during this time. From the SD57 Executive Team

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