BCCPAC Update and Membership Deadline

Our SD57 DPAC Executive attended the DPAC Summit on Zoom, hosted by the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC), on November 26-27. There is important work and consultation going on between parents and the Ministry of Education and many other provincial stakeholders.

Check out the latest news on their December Update here.

Your PAC Membership is so important to guide and fund the important work that BCCPAC does. The deadline to register and pay your $75 fee is December 31. This enables PACs to attend and vote at the AGM in May. Very important resolutions and information is shared at that event (virtual).

There are 18 PACs in SD57 (out of 39 eligible). Let’s get those numbers up! If you don’t see your school on the list below, contact us at info@sd57dpac.ca, or check out the BCCPAC website to find out how to become a member.

SD#School Name2020-2021
Eligble to
Vote at 2022 AGM
57Blackburn ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57D P Todd SecondaryACTIVEYES
57Duchess Park SecondaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Edgewood Elementary SD57ACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Glenview ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Heather Park ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Heritage ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Kelly Road/Shas ti SecondaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Malaspina ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Peden Hill ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Prince George SecondaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Quinson ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Southridge ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Spruceland TraditionalACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Valemount ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Van Bien ElementaryACTIVEYES
57Vanway ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
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