BCCPAC – Notice to members re: Bill 11

Notice to Members


Regarding: Bill 11

BCCPAC had the opportunity this past weekend to gather in Burnaby with parent representatives from across British Columbia at the Annual General Meeting for 2015. Throughout the weekend and in a special meeting of the “Committee of the Whole” the recently tabled Bill 11 was discussed. Overall, parents represented at the meeting recognized the need for changes to School Planning Councils, and they are hopeful for the possibility of increased training for BC’s teachers through professional development. Our parents continue to ask for more training and support to be offered to teachers and support staff around students’ special needs, upcoming changes to the BC Education Plan, new and developing technologies, and exciting techniques in delivery of curriculum.

Parents also indicated however much hesitation around the introduction of such a large and unsettling piece of legislation that could hold many implications for our education system, without much indication as to what will replace the many sections repealed from the School Act. We look forward to continued engagement with government and other education partners to ensure that the concerns of parents, and above all the needs of our students, remain a top priority for all partner groups while consultations around the enactment of regulations for Bill 11 continue.

Parents are hopeful that the important partnership that was mandated by School Planning Councils could be broadened and deepened. We would like to see all school partners brought together to also include teachers and support staff as well as parents and administration to continue the meaningful engagement that was originally the focus of SPC’s. Our members are also optimistic that in a climate of open dialogue and collaboration with the Ministry, concerns that were also shared around the need for protection of student data will be recognized and resolved before Bill 11 is passed in the Legislature.

For additional information please contact Nicole Makohoniuk via 778-870-3547 or nicolemakohoniuk@bccpac.bc.ca

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