BCCPac Membership and Proxy forms

The BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) is a charitable non-profit organization that advocates for the best possible public education for all children in BC through the active involvement of parents. Members are PACs and DPACs.

The annual membership is $75 – membership form can be found here.

However, if you become a member by October 31st, you can get a 50% rebate on your membership by giving your DPAC representatives a proxy form for your PAC. This year, for the extraordinary general meeting, your DPAC reps will be Chris Finke and Sarah Holland. DPAC provides this funding to give our school district, and the North, a larger voice at the  BCCPAC conferences.

Last minute registration? The proxy form says: “For the purposes of the 2010 Extraordinary General Meeting a Regular Member is in good standing if membership fees have been paid by October 31, 2010”. The application form can be faxed to their office with a credit card number, and my assumption is that as long as that form is received in the office by October 31st, that should count.

You can find more information the extraordinary general meeting here.

For more information on BCCPAC, please visit their website at http://www.bccpac.bc.ca

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