BCCPAC Is Open For Business!

The recent funding announcement from the Ministry is disappointing [the Ministry announced they would not be providing any funding for BCCPAC this year]. However, the Ministry supported the BC Coalition of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) earlier this year with an additional $150,000 grant over and above that fiscal year’s operating grant funding of $100,000. And, BCCPAC has reserves set aside for times when funding is limited or exhausted so services to members will not be affected.

Some media reports are suggesting funding to all PAC and DPACs have been cancelled. This is incorrect. The Direct Access Grant to PAC/DPAC is not affected by this announcement.  The funding announcement refers to BCCPAC operating funds only, and in no way affects our members funding.

BCCPAC is committed to providing our members a high level of service and has been very busy the last week of summer moving into our new office space. Both the Board and staff are very excited to serve our members from our new location -#200, 4170 Still Creek Drive in Burnaby.

Your Board is also working on changes that will help our members stay informed and connected through the current teacher job action. Reaching out to members in their local communities through regional conferences and redesigning our website to better interact with member are just two initiatives we’re proud to see coming together.

We encourage you to send comments, ideas or concerns on any educational issue to memberviews@bccpac.bc.ca Please indicate the topic in the subject line and provide your school district number.

In partnership,


Ann Whiteaker

President BCCPAC

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