The BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) is holding their Conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM) May 1-3, 2020 at the Westin Wall Centre hotel in Richmond. Take a look at the schedule and details here. If you are interested in attending, contact DPAC.
There are 23 PACs in our District who are BCCPAC Members in Good Standing and eligible to vote on Resolutions brought forward at the AGM.
If you are not able to send a representative to the AGM to vote, a DPAC Executive Member will attend and can vote on your behalf. This is called a Proxy Vote.
Each proxy vote counts to show our District’s support for Resolutions. In the past we have noticed that many Districts struggle to acquire Proxies from their PACs. Even Districts with many more schools than ours do not get the support of more than 50% of their PACs and may have fewer Proxy Votes than we do. This is why your Proxy Vote can make a big difference. We hope to receive permission from all 23 PACs to vote at the AGM as it gives Prince George and the North a louder voice on important issues.
If you would like to see last year’s AGM Package to see an example of the Resolutions and results, please look here.
Please follow these simple steps to fill out the Proxy Vote Form (download here):
- Ensure your PAC is a Member in Good Standing with annual dues paid. Check the website here.
- Discuss the process at your next PAC Meeting and vote on whether the group would like to give DPAC their Proxy Vote.
- Complete the Proxy Vote Form with your school name and have two members of your Executive sign it.
- Email the Proxy Vote Form to or hand it in to the DPAC Executive at the April meeting.
- We will complete the Official Delegate and Alternate Official Delegate names once DPAC attendees are confirmed. We will send the completed forms to the BCCPAC (and include your PAC) by email.
- Include any instructions for specific Resolutions, if applicable. You can see the Resolution booklet on the BCCPAC website here.
- We will confirm receipt of your email and make arrangements to reimburse your PAC for the $75 annual BCCPAC membership fee.
- Watch for updates on our website and at BCCPAC to see how the votes made a difference.
The deadline for submissions is April 24, 2020.
If you have any questions, email us at
School District No. 57 District Parent Advisory Council Executive