BC School Sports Update

For Immediate Release September 8, 2014
BC School Sports

Burnaby –The Board of Directors of BC School Sports (BCSS) recognizes and respects the position of teachers during the current labour dispute with government. BCSS views extra-curricular activities including coaching as voluntary and will respect the decisions that teacher coaches, volunteers, schools and school districts will make on their involvement with school sports.

We represent member schools and advocate for student-athletes and their participation. As long as there are schools and school districts with volunteers willing to support student-athletes and facilitate the leagues, zones and provincials, our athletic programs will continue.

At this point we are going to proceed with the planned fall zone and championships schedule for the students, coaches and volunteers involved in Football, Volleyball, Boys Soccer, Field Hockey, Aquatics and Cross Country. BCSS will continue to monitor this situation and consult with the sports commissions and school districts as we move forward.

As the BC public schools remain in a strike position it is mandatory that all teams have permission from their school and school district to participate in competition. Also please ensure that all participation of school teams follow district policy. All BCSS rules and regulations still apply including the need for school teams to only compete against approved school teams.

BCSS is a voluntary non-profit society and charity with a membership of 425 schools and has served the athletes
and volunteer coaches in our province for over 44 years. BCSS’ mission is to provide governance for interschool competition, encourage student participation in extra-curricular athletics and assist schools in the development and delivery of those programs. BCSS is independent from government and BC School Boards. The BCSS Board of Directors relies upon the dedication, commitment and efforts of over 20,000 volunteers to run inter-school athletic programs for the 19 sport commissions that conclude with the 162 zone playoffs and 53 provincial championships.

For more information contact:
Christine Bradstock
Executive Director

Deb Whitten
250 475 4155

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