April Monthly DPAC Meeting – Mental Health, Our Kids, Our Families and Our Schools

Don’t forget our monthly DPAC meeting is tonight Monday April 4th @6:30pm and it’s HYBRID!!! The theme is this month is Mental Health, Our Kids, Our Families and Our Schools 🙂

That means if you need to get out of your house (even if it’s in your PJ’s, lounge clothes or your hubby’s comfiest jogging pants – we aren’t judging as we do it too) and want to connect in person we will be back in person at the Van Bien Training Center but we will also have a virtual option to join us via the comfort of your home and PJ’s via MS Teams at this link. Either way, we are just happy to have people join us and their voices heard, no matter what.

The theme for April is Mental Health during the Pandemic: Effects, fallouts, lessons learned and solutions for the future  and we want to hear from you, including:

  1. What were your experiences with your children(s)s and family mental health during the pandemic? 
  2. What mental health gaps and needs did you experience in our schools and education system in the last two years? 
  3. What is missing? What have we learned? 
  4. What are some potential solutions or opportunities you see for our district? What have you seen or heard from other districts that you think may be helpful for our district? 
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