April DPAC Meeting Online

To all our PAC’s and parents in SD57,
In light of the extremely vital adherence to social distancing due to COVID-19, the SD57 DPAC has made an executive decision to change to a virtual format and will be using Skype for the Monday April 6th, 2020 meeting.  There will be further details coming out shortly with instructions on how to access the meeting, however we wanted to give our parents and community enough time to arrange for access to a computer prior to the meeting.  If you have any questions or concerns please connect with us and we will assist you in working through them. The Agenda for the April 6th DPAC meeting will be sent out on Monday March 30th. If there is anything you would like to see addressed at the April 6th meeting please send it via email to the DPAC. Our partner groups will also be in attendance via Skype.
We appreciate your understanding and flexibility in these times and look forward to seeing and hearing from everyone on Skype at our April 6th meeting.
Regards, DPAC 57 Executive

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