An Evening with Dr. Yong Zhao: Join SD57 on August 26th, 7pm
World Class Education:
Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students.
The world needs creative and entrepreneurial talents who are globally competent to take advantage of the opportunities brought about technology and globalization and tackle the tough challenges facing human beings. But our schools are being pushed to produce homogenous, compliant, and employee-minded test-takers, as a result of seductive power of the traditional education paradigm.
In this presentation, Dr. Yong Zhao challenges the traditional paradigm, debunks the myth of international tests such as PISA and TIMSS, and proposes a new paradigm of education aimed to cultivate diverse, creative, and entrepreneurial talents.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 7:00 p.m. Vanier Hall
Note: an account is required in order to register, but all that is asked for is name, email, and a password. Parents can register without any problems.
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