Mini Conference on Sunday, November 6th, at 1pm

Are you a parent volunteer?

As a parent volunteer, you have a lot on your plate. You want to benefit kids in your school, keep good relationships with administration and staff, get more volunteers, raise money – and have a good time doing it.

Taking 4 hours to attend a Sunday afternoon mini-conference may seem like just something more for the to-do list.

So why are we suggesting you take the time to do so?

Well, did you know that since last year, there have been three PACs in BC that have discovered missing funds?
$30,000 – K.B. Woodward PAC (Surrey)
$20,000 – Serpentine Heights (Surrey)
$40,000 – Keating Elementary School (Saanich)

DPAC also gets calls and emails from local principals, asking for suggestions as to how to deal with PAC issues that cause them problems.

Our goal with this mini-conference is to share useful information and discussions about what our purpose is as PACs, keeping good relationships, communication and representation within your school community, making sure your meetings are conducted efficiently, raising, spending, and protecting your money, and what to do when things go wrong.

We want to respect your time, which is why it’s a mini-conference this year – Sunday, November 6th, from 1pm to 5pm. We don’t have any limits on how many people may attend from any one PAC, so feel free to bring as many as you like.

If you haven’t signed up yet, register today – registration is $5 for SD57 PACs:

Your PAC can pay by cheque if you choose to, and if the cost is an issue, please let us know.

If your PAC is in Mackenzie, McBride, or Valemount, we can supply financial support to attend the conference.

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