Congratulations to the new DPAC executive members! Chairperson – Andrea Beckett Vice Chairperson – Trudy Klassen Treasurer – Arlene McKibbin 
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For all volunteer members of parent advisory councils. This may include the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and 
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Our elections and general meeting is being held Monday, May 7th, at the Van Bien Training Centre. As a number 
Read more In October 2017, government launched a funding model review to fulfill its commitment to ensure B.C.’s K-12 public education 
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This post is copied from a post from April 2016, with updates for current links.   The Fraser Institute has 
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At the May 1st board meeting, there was a brief verbal report on the upcoming consultation process for the Edgewood 
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If your PAC is a voting member of BCCPAC, we will reimburse your BCCPAC membership if we hold your proxy (or if 
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The Ministry of Education announced in April that it was changing the electoral process for School District 57 from an 
Read more SOGI 1 2 3 Parent Resources were created in collaboration with BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) and 
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