Virtual PAC Cafe – May 17

As discussed with the Membership at our last two DPAC Meetings, we would like to hold a Virtual PAC Cafe in May to facilitate communication between PACs and DPAC. This is a place where PAC Members can share information with each other and give input to DPAC on how we can support. An opportunity to network and discuss what is working and what concerns your school may have. For elementary and secondary PACs.

Virtual PAC Cafe
DATE: Monday May 17
TIME: 6:30 – 8pm
ZOOM Info: email to register and receive the Zoom link

We are starting with a few announcements about DPAC and BCCPAC. We will briefly outline a recent Gaming Grant Seminar. Then our discussions will follow these themes: Engagement, Advisory, Sponsorships.

1) Engagement – How does your PAC connect with parents in your school? What does your PAC do to engage with students, staff, and parents? What are some ways you can engage with the whole school community?
2) Advisory – How does your PAC discuss and advocate on issues related to education, funding, and policy within your school and district? If there is a concern raised, do you feel like you have the support from School Administration, DPAC, and other resources?
3) Sponsorships – How does your PAC spend your funds? What can you sponsor and support that benefits the school and is sustainable? How has the pandemic effected your ability to support meaningful initiatives?

Look forward to seeing you there! Spread the word to ALL your PAC Members (not just Execs). Thanks!

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