7:00 p.m. Van Bien Training and Development Centre
DPAC Executive: Don Sabo (Chair), Michelle Rolfes, Gillian Burnett (Recorder), Steve Shannon, Sarah Holland
Partner Groups: Brian Pepper, Superintendent; Kate Cooke, Trustee; Matt Pearce and Tina Cousins, PGDTA; Lorraine Prouse, CUPE; Faith MacKay, PGPVPA
School Reps: Darlene Campbell, Aboriginal Choice; Colleen Smith, Beaverly; Darlene Campbell, Duchess Park; Teresa Bell, Edgewood; Steve Shannon, Hart Highlands; Sarah Holland, Heather Park; Steve Shannon, Kelly Road; Shauna Connor and Elena Thomas, Ecole Lac des Bois; Gillian Burnett, Nukko Lake; Michelle Rolfes, PGSS and Pineview; Don Sabo, Pinewood; Ryan Clarke, Quinson; Dennis Fudge, Spruceland
1. Adoption of Agenda
Motion to accept agenda – Lac des Bois
Seconded by – College Heights
2. Adoption of April 2, 2012 Minutes
Motion to accept minutes – Heather Park
Seconded by – College Heights
*Note that Aboriginal Choice Open House postponed until a later date
3. PAC Networking
• Nukko Lake planning Sports Day and another Field trip. Planning to run Centennial Meats Fundraiser again.
• Aboriginal Choice still planning on holding a fish bake will be May 29th regardless this time. Moving Forward Ceremony for Grade 7 students has been cancelled.
• Duchess Park has had all signage changed to include French (Ecole). There is concern about a teacher who has been promoted to VP at College Heights Secondary still wishing to coach at Duchess Park. Most sports cancelled for now.
• Lac des Bois has a playground including benches going in this summer. Mt Robson fieldtrip and The Show cancelled. Sports Day is still on, but not a lot of planning for it this year. Parents are doing the yearbook this year.
• Spruceland had Ness Lake Leadership camp cancelled. Sports Day may be a problem, still working on it. Teacher’s Appreciation Day renamed the Staff Recognition Day.
• College Heights held PAC elections. Working on school org. Barkerville fieldtrip has been cancelled. Parents are taking over the yearbook. Sports Day will still go ahead.
• Edgewood had their students visit Duchess Park. Students participated in Quiz Me with no coach this year. They did really well regardless. Sports Day is a go, but it may look different. Ness Lake, Fort St James and Fort George Park fieldtrips have been cancelled. Yearbook has been reduced to only grade 7 students.
• Quinson has had nothing cancelled per se, but Sports Day looking different. 50th year celebrations will include a float in the May parade.
• Beaverly had a student pass away from natural causes and it has been hard on the school community. Swimming Lessons and Sports Day still going ahead.
• Pineview has Sports Day still going ahead.
• Kelly Road planning year end. Northern Learning Centre has hired one teacher and looking for one more.
• Pinewood still having Sports Day. Parents are selling concession items for the day.
• Heather Park hosted the Missoula Theatre Program. Students auditioned on Monday, rehearsed all week and put on 3 productions Friday, and Saturday. Parents are assisting with the yearbook. Field trips to Fort St James and Barkerville apparently cancelled by teachers. Approved playground for purchase that will be accessible.
** Chair requested to raise concerns about the effects of job action on students and families.**
4. Reports
(a) DPAC Chair Report – see attached. Consent Agenda M/Kelly Road S/Edgewood
(b) Treasurer’s Report – see attached. Consent Agenda M/Kelly Road S/Edgewood
(c) Superintendent Report – see attached. Discussion about District Budget and if School Organization done correctly, it won’t be a problem.
(d) Trustee Report – see attached. Question College Heights concerning calendar: Any talk about provincial changes to opening up calendar? Answer: Not so much. Brian Pepper commented that the Calendar Committee will have the opportunity to discuss Bill 36 and other changes. Spruceland request to have random sampling of FSA reviewed by the ministry. Trustee comments that it is a step in the right direction. Board will be watching what happens in SD79 because they intend to put together a needs budget this year.
(e) PGDTA Report – Tina Cousins handed out two letters from BCTF (see attached) and discussed several items:
• Commented that we enjoy great relationships in District 57. Partner groups sit together and talk!
• Extended the offer for PGDTA representatives to attend PAC meetings should parents have questions. They would be happy to share their perspectives.
• Commented on the work of the Calendar Committee, noting that adding minutes to days never equals the lost days.
Matt Pearce discussed several items:
• Shared information regarding the PGDTA members’ vote on Bill 22 action plan. They will not be participating in Ministry initiatives because experience has taught them that they are not invited until after the fact. Members will be withdrawing from extra-curricular activities until June 2013.
• Expressed BCTF’s view that Bill 22 is unconstitutional and they will be in court in the fall. Also in court spring 2013 regarding bargaining.
• Provided information regarding the BCTF’s concerns with the mediation process. Expressed concern that should choice be taken away regarding Professional Development that teachers would no longer participate, lead or provide PD.
• Expressed concern regarding specialist teachers, stating our district now using third best practice of teacher to teacher assistant to students.
• Question from floor regarding parents and students concern about the loss of scholarship opportunities due to the withdrawal of extra-curricular sports for grade 12 students. Brian Pepper commented that there is nothing policy wise standing in the way of community members stepping in.
• Comment from floor regarding class size exceeding 30 resulting in $2500 compensation.
• Question regarding fieldtrips. As long as fieldtrips are inside the bookends of the instructional day, teachers should still be participating.
(f) PGPVPA Report –Provided information regarding:
• Report cards being sent home by May 8th. Commented that although no planned parent/teacher interview nights, parents are encouraged to contact teachers if they wish.
• School Organization still going, working on timetables, divisions, etc. and always trying to do their very best for students.
• Expressed concern about job action still taking place and hopeful of a respectful working solution. Kid’s safety must always come first..
(g) CUPE Report – Provided information and comments regarding:
• This is always a hard time of year for CUPE members. 148 layoff notices without bumping already, layoffs with bumping just starting and should be over this weekend. Posting for next year come out soon.
• CUPE served notice to collective bargain in June.
• Trustees to be invited to Civic Caucus.
(h) DSAC Report – Not in attendance
5. Committee Reports
(a) EPPC Committee Report – see attached. Consent agenda M/Kelly Road S/Edgewood
(b) Education Services Committee Report –see attached. Consent Agenda M/Kelly Road S/Edgewood
(c) Policy/Governance Committee Report – DPAC has not been invited to a meeting.
(d) DPAC Budget Planning Committee
MOTION by Nukko Lake
That the recommendations from the Budget Committee be postponed until the June meeting.
(e) DPAC Bylaws and Policy Committee – see attached.
Be it resolved that we rescind article 2, Purposes of the Council, in our Constitution and replace it with the attached document.
Discussion about why we would consider changing the purpose.
Be it resolved that we rescind the bylaws in their entirety, and replace them with the attached document.
AMENDMENT by Heather Park
That we amend the draft bylaws by adding to Bylaw 2, item 4: Parents who are not PAC representatives may also attend as non-voting attendees.
AMENDMENT by Pinewood
That we replace Bylaw 5, section 2 with: The members of the Executive Board shall be elected from the DPAC Representatives or current executive officers of the Council in attendance at the Annual General Meeting. The Executive Board shall then elect its officers from its membership at the first executive meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
Discussion regarding the simplicity of this method vs. the memberships desire to have input into who holds which office.
AMENDMENT by Nukko Lake
That we amend the draft bylaws to add to Bylaw 8 the Duties of Executive Members found in the draft policies.
Discussed the need to include this in order to remain in compliance with the Society Act.
Be it resolved that we rescind the bylaws in their entirety, and replace them with the attached document as amended.
MOTION by Nukko Lake
That we amend the draft policies to remove the Duties of Executive Members as it is now included in our Bylaws.
Be it resolved that we rescind the current policies in their entirety, and replace them with the attached document as amended.
6. Announcements/New Business
(a) Reviewed election process and called for tellers. Kate Cooke and Elena Thomas nominated. Hearing no objections they will serve as tellers. Member requested that tellers not report vote totals.
For chair, Don Sabo and Sarah Holland were previously nominated, as according to the report from the Nomination Committee at our last meeting. Do these members still accept the nomination? Yes. Are there further nominations from the floor? Seeing none, the nominations for Chair are now closed.
Nominees gave a brief introduction of themselves. Tellers handed out ballots and then collected them. The polls were closed and the tellers left to count the ballots. The meeting stands in recess.
The meeting called to order and the asked for the report of the tellers.
Don Sabo is elected as chair.
For Vice chair, Michelle Rolfes and Darlene Campbell were previously nominated, as according to the report from the Nomination Committee at our last meeting. Do these members still accept the nomination? Darlene Campbell, yes and Michelle Rolfes, no. Are there further nominations from the floor? Sarah Holland accepts nomination. Are there further nominations from the floor? Seeing none, the nominations for vice chair are now closed. Nominees gave a brief introduction of themselves. Tellers handed out ballots and then collected them. The polls were closed and the tellers left to count the ballots. The meeting stands in recess.
The meeting called to order and asked for the report of the tellers.
Sarah Holland is elected as vice chair.
For Secretary we have no nominations at this point. Are there any nominations from the floor. No. This position will remain vacant until our next meeting.
For Treasurer, Gillian Burnett was previously nominated, as according to the report from the Nominating Committee at our last meeting. Does this member still accept the nomination? Yes. Are there further nominations from the floor? Seeing none, the nominations for Treasurer are closed. As there is only one nominee for this office, the chair declares Gillian Burnett elected by acclamation.
For District Associate, we have no nominations at this time. Are there any nominations from the floor? Darlene Campbell is nominated and accepts. Are there further nominations for District Associate from the floor? Seeing none, the nominations for District Associate are closed. As there is only one nominee for this office, the chair declares Darlene Campbell elected by acclamation.
For Director at Large, Steve Shannon was previously nominated, as according to the report from the Nominations Committee at our last meeting. Does this member still accept the nomination? Yes. Are there further nominations from the floor? Seeing none, the nominations for Director at Large are closed. As there is only one nominee for this office, the chair declares Steve Shannon elected by acclamation.
(b) DPAC Executive / School Board Meeting May 22nd – Information regarding the upcoming meeting and the purpose of which is to discuss the Enrolment, Capacity and Projection report and its recommendations. The new and old executive will meet following this meeting to arrange the details.
(c) June 16th Food Safe Motion – Recapped previous discussion held regarding members desire to have DPAC assist in the cost of certification for PAC members.
MOTION by Nukko Lake
That DPAC use gaming funds to put on a food safe course for up to 20 PAC members at a cost of $500 plus up to $200 for catering lunch.
Discussion regarding the previous postponement of the budget discussion. Previous information did not include cost. Discussed the cost and feasibility.
(d) PG Metis Housing Society Raffle Proceeds to DPAC / PACs Motion – Provided information of what had transpired to date in discussions between this organization and DPAC. Discussed whether DPAC should be involved at all. Why DPAC versus a school in need.
MOTION by College Heights
That DPAC direct the chair to contact the executive director of PGMHS and direct them to deposit the proceeds of the raffle into the Aboriginal Choice School PAC gaming account.
7. Agenda items for next meeting
Nothing at this time. Question regarding the destruction of ballots.
MOTION by Nukko Lake
That the ballots from tonight’s election be destroyed.
8. Adjournment – Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 4, 2012 at 7:00 pm Van Bien Training and Development Centre.
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